Thursday, January 27, 2011


Sometimes I just wonder what those things are all about. But then I remember, if it doesn’t make sense, that’s because it came from my mind, so that’s okay. It’s not that I never make sense of the things I say (write), though sometimes it sure as hell feels like that. Sometimes I just have to keep on going on, who knows what kind of sense it can end up having? Like right now. The first sentence made absolutely no sense when I started writing it, but I just had to keep on writing and wait until it started to take form and make some kind of sense (-ish).
That’s how it feels to start writing something. At first it may be just a rant, something with no meaning at all. But if you keep on writing, there will come a moment when you’ll stop, read and realize that it does have a meaning. It does make sense.
Of course it doesn’t work all the time. I still have a lot of documents in my computer that I started writing in just for the hang of it, and had to stop because there was nothing there that made me want to continue.
I’m not saying that as a bad thing. It is good to just open a blank document and start typing away. You don’t need to think about what to write, just let your fingertips do all the work. Type away whatever comes to mind without worrying about sense, reason, coherence (though I may want to say cohesion – I never really know how to differentiate them).
Sometimes that’s how I start a story. With no previous thought about it. I just open the document, start typing, and when I realize there’s an idea there that may turn into something good. Though that doesn’t mean that every one of these ideas will really turn into stories, it’s still good to know that sometimes, even if it is just in the beginning, the story really come to us.
It’s also good to have those documents when you want (are itching) to write, but when you open the story you’re currently writing (working in), nothing comes. You can’t seem to keep going on with the scene you stopped at. So you open one of the other ones (the good ideas) and give it a try. Do that just to alleviate your mind. After a while, go back to your real work in progress, and try again.

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