Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It works!

It seems like complaining really works. I’m not sure exactly which one of my complaints really worked, but, today, like magic, all the stats that were missing in my traffic just showed up like if they had always been there. Go figure. I’m happy though. Now I can see how many hits and visitors I actually had since Set 13th.
Changing topic now, I’m getting to a point in TJG that might get some a bit angry at me. Don’t worry though, there’s a possibility that you’ll like what’s to come.
As to the sequel to FP, that has been put on the biggest hold ever. At the moment I’m not even sure if I’ll keep on writing anything after I’m finished with TJG. The ideas in my head are just too confusing to get any sense out of them, and without sense I’m not sure I even have a plot to work with. So, I promise to concentrate on what I have right now and finish what I’m writing. So, don’t get sad if I’m never able to get a sequel to FP done and posted.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another round

Utterly frustrated with FictionPress at the moment. Not only my traffic statistics didn't return, but now it's completed a month since it showed any sign of life. The three e-mails I sent this time are still unanswered (and also the very first one I sent when I first had this problem), but I know that I'm not the only one that has this problem, though I have no idea how many of the others already have it solved. I think there should be a place on the site where we can complain about these things and have a quick answer from the techinical team (again, if there is actually one). I bet that if it was, the problem would have been solved long ago.
What is the problem with those people?