I tried, swear I did. But it seems like I can't get along with this template's code. Seriously, how can it be so difficult to just copy and paste a smal code into the template's? Shouldn't be any problem, but we are not really getting along. Maybe I'm too used to the easy way of my previous blog, only html, no xml thingies. It was easier, and I would probably be able to add a "jukebox" here if I could only understand what the f*** this code problem is. I even tried to do what I did with the counter, but no way it worked. Someone has any ideas? I would love to hear.
Anyway, I think that the main problem here is the person standing in front of the pc now (the one writing this post). Seriously, all the trouble I had to understand html now are nothing compared to the problems I'm having with my bloger's code. And it would be just wonderful if only my blog had any visits at all and someone that really could help me passed by and read about my little problem and such. Well, a girl can always dream, right?
So, now I'm going to watch Aang deal with the fire nation's soldiers. (isn't online episodes the best ever?)
Anyway, I think that the main problem here is the person standing in front of the pc now (the one writing this post). Seriously, all the trouble I had to understand html now are nothing compared to the problems I'm having with my bloger's code. And it would be just wonderful if only my blog had any visits at all and someone that really could help me passed by and read about my little problem and such. Well, a girl can always dream, right?
So, now I'm going to watch Aang deal with the fire nation's soldiers. (isn't online episodes the best ever?)