Friday, April 01, 2011


Corset ready! After so much time, now not only it’s ready, it has also been tried on and worn for over two hours. I’m really happy to see that my efforts had such a great result, though, not perfect. The hooks and eyes in the front (didn’t know where to find a busk) didn’t stay the way I wanted them to – they keep on slipping out from them fabric, specially on the bust (don’t know how to fix that) –, the boning is the cheapest one – ‘cause that’s the only one I could find (though I know where to buy the metal one, the store is just too far away) –, the grommet’s machine almost f***ed up with my wrist (I had to hold the machine with one hand while pulling the lever with the other, and since it has a horizontal pull and no way to attach it to my table, I needed extra strength), pricked my fingertips with pins all the time when sewing the bone casings, forgot to buy the cord for lacing and had to use a pair of long shoelaces (still need the cord though). Good thing is it actually works. The interlining I bought is really good, it gave the fabric the necessary stiffness so the plastic bones don’t need to do much work – though it would still be more fitting with the metal ones. It fits the body well, and, being my first corset (real corset) looks just amazing. Sure it has its flaws, but they can be corrected for future corsets.
Now I can say the fever is passed and I can actually concentrate on writing. Phew!

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