Friday, November 13, 2009

Just a brief...

So, this one is just to tell you guys that Forgotten Paradise is ready!! Actually it's been almost a week since I finished it, but I was too lazy to say anything (mostly too lazy to bother with posting something). I know that probably the ending I came up to the story is not going to please everyone, but, as I say in one of the last chapters' note, it was the best I could think up with the ideas I had in my head. I won't say that's not going to be a sequel, because I really thought about writing one, but right now I'm just not sure what to do with the things I had in mind, all I know is that it will probably not be in Cait's point of view (I'm really tired to write in her point of view, though it would be easier).
There are a few other stories in my head at the moment, but I'm not sure which one I'll post next (especially because I can't seem to make up my mind about the one I should focus on the most), but I can assure you they're mostly very different from Forgotten Paradise, not only on the main character, but the way the story is (supposed to be) conducted.
Thankfully, I don't think my friend is angry with me anymore, but just 'cause she's too stressed with the Cambridge exam thing (and her mother telling her that she can't just give it up).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Daniele=open mouth, insert foot...

Sometimes I wonder why do I still bother. Sometimes I wonder why do people still bother. It’s more than a known fact that I don’t have a filter between my head and my mouth most times, and that’s mostly with touchy subjects for my friends. I know I should stay quiet and not open my mouth at all, but when I realized whatever it was that I shouldn’t have said just came out of my mouth and my friend’s looking at me with a stunned face. Now seriously, she knows I say whatever comes to my mind and she shouldn’t be so sensitive about it anymore; though I should have already learned to be more sensitive and not just go on saying somewhat hurtful things at people’s face like that. But then, after almost three months living together, and almost three years of knowing, we should be already used to each other’s ways... certainly we are not.
And that brings me to another subject. It’s been already three months that I’m living in Australia with said friend, and now, more than any other time, I really wish I had stayed in Brazil. Why? Just because. Some small things happened, and together they make such a big thing that it makes me wonder what am I doing here anyway. I know I came for the Cambridge exam, but now it’s just some detail and not the main reason any longer. I don’t even know why I’m taking this exam anymore. At the beginning I thought it would be a good thing, but now it’s more about the experience I get here.
Anyway, I really hope things will get better... or at least I’ll get better...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I should've known that getting to this point of the story without planning what to do exactly would bring me lots of trouble. Right now I have a major writer's block that's been bothering me and keeping me stuck in chapter 65 for over two weeks already. Just thinking of all the writing I could've done during this time makes me sad. And I can't even brag about putting my other stories into motion because I'm mostly a nervous reck with all the preparations for my interchange travel (I'm going to Australia August 3rd, and still have lots of things to solve and prepare), so I'm basicaly in no writting mode lately (though I can't seem to stop thinking up new stories, most of them will never see the light of beeing written, but they do keep me company while I try to overcome the little problem I'm having here).
Well, going to try and get some work done here.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Long time?

Yeah, I know it's been quite some, but I'm still here!
And today I'll talk about something that has nothing to do with my stories (though I might write something else later). My friend and I are trying to find a guy that we have no idea who he is, nor his name, where he's from and such, we don't even know if he's real! All we have is this photograph! I know my blog is not that seen, but I do have some tiny hope that I'm not the only one passing by here once in a while (though I'm never sure about the counter mark). So, if you know him, or have any idea of how we can find him, please coment, pm me from fictionpress, anything!
I apreciate the time you wasted reading this.
Thank you very much!

Monday, February 02, 2009


I tried, swear I did. But it seems like I can't get along with this template's code. Seriously, how can it be so difficult to just copy and paste a smal code into the template's? Shouldn't be any problem, but we are not really getting along. Maybe I'm too used to the easy way of my previous blog, only html, no xml thingies. It was easier, and I would probably be able to add a "jukebox" here if I could only understand what the f*** this code problem is. I even tried to do what I did with the counter, but no way it worked. Someone has any ideas? I would love to hear.
Anyway, I think that the main problem here is the person standing in front of the pc now (the one writing this post). Seriously, all the trouble I had to understand html now are nothing compared to the problems I'm having with my bloger's code. And it would be just wonderful if only my blog had any visits at all and someone that really could help me passed by and read about my little problem and such. Well, a girl can always dream, right?
So, now I'm going to watch Aang deal with the fire nation's soldiers. (isn't online episodes the best ever?)

Sunday, January 11, 2009


So, today for some reason I decided to make a little search for my old blog. I know the site is not available anymore, but I can still see my last entries cached. And it got me so happy to see the old layout I made for it that I had to test here to see how could I put a new layout. But I realized it's no easy task, and I have no idea how to make a layout for blogger. I even tried to get one from a random site, and it didn't work at all. Well, since I can't make those cut layouts anymore, I'm just gonna stick to this one that I have no idea how to change.
Well, it's Golden Globe night, and I'm still thinking if I should watch it or keep on writing (what would be more productive).